

About Darragh Murray

Hello there! Thanks for stopping by my little corner of the web. I’m Darragh Murray, an experienced data professional based in Australia.

I’ve been working with data in some way, shape or form for over fifteen years. Starting my career in the information systems field, I’ve spent the last decade working in business intelligence and strategic analytics.

Nowadays, I work as a data expert at the leading global real estate services firm, Jones Lang LaSalle. Before that, I worked for nearly a decade as a data expert in the international education sector. I’ve also been involved in the music industry, being a freelance music journalist as well as a radio producer for local community radio. I even managed to score a brief gig interning at the United Nations in New York! I’ve recently been elected as a Tableau Social Ambassador for 2021. If you’re interested in my career, my LinkedIn profile has all the relevant details.

This website functions as a space for my writing about analytics, data visualisation and occasionally other topics that manage to grab my interest - particularly in the social sciences and humanites. You’ll also find content related to my growing portfolio of data visualisation work, as well as various tutorials and ‘how to’ guides.

I generally concentrate on subjects such as:

  • Use of data as a strategic tool for generating business insight.
  • Specific posts on my data tools of interest - typically Tableau, R and Alteryx.
  • Issues in international politics and economics that overlap with the digital humanities.
  • Data storytelling as a useful method of exchanging knowledge – mainly using open data.
  • Older posts relate to my past life working in the international education sector as well as my time as a database developer.

I regularly talk and write about the data and analytics and frequently present throughout the world on these topics. I’ve listed my formal publshing history and conference appearances below.

I have formal tertiary qualifications in information systems, international relations, history and business analytics.

Feel free to get in contact if you have any queries related to my professional work or feel like saying g’day.



Presentations, writing and consulting

I regularly present, write and consult on the topics concerning data visualisations, business intelligence and analytics.

Below is my presentation, publication, teaching and volunteering history (descending order).

  • 2021, Tableau Social Ambassador
  • 2020, Tableau Fringe Festival, Reflections on data viz, anxiety and imposter syndrome Link to Youtube recording.
  • 2020, Presenter, Refuge from the storm: reflections on climate change, refugees and data visualisation, Brisbane Tableau User Group – September meeting link to Youtube recording.
  • 2020, Presenter, Amplify Now: Virtual Refugee Conference.
  • 2020, Presenter, Tailwinds to headwinds: Emerging trends in Australian international education, StudyAdelaide members event, Adelaide.
  • 2019, Subject Matter Expert, Module 2: Data demystified, IEAA Professional Development.
  • 2019, Presenter, Data demystified: communicating data with impact, Australian International Education Conference (AIEC), Perth.
  • 2019, Presenter, What are the lead indicators telling us? And what do they mean?, Study Perth Data Hangout, Perth.
  • 2018, Panel member, Blockchain applications for international admission systems: a hypothetical study, AIEC, Sydney.
  • 2018, Presenter, Peering into the petri dish: Queensland and Australian international education in 2017, IETU Data Hangout, Brisbane
  • 2017, Author, The Data Game: Building analytics capability in international education, IEAA Vista Magazine, Summer 2017 Edition.
  • 2017, Presenter, Demystifying data: unlocking the value of data-driven decision-making, AIEC, Hobart.
  • 2017, Presenter, Getting started in the data game, New Zealand International Education Conference, Auckland.
  • 2016, Panel member, Big data, big insight and international education, AIEC, Melbourne.
  • 2016, Presenter, Mine craft: A primer on turning raw data into predictive insight, IEAA marketing special interest group, Brisbane.
  • 2015, Presenter, The devil is in the data: Empowering international higher education through business analytics, AIEC, Adelaide.

Formal qualifications

In ascending order since qualification grant:

  • Bachelor Information Technology/Bachelor of Arts, University of Queensland, 2003.
  • Bachelor of Arts (History, honours) , University of Queensland, 2007.
  • Master of International Studies, University of Queensland, 2010.
  • Graduate Diploma of Business Analytics, Deakin University, 2017.
  • Tableau Desktop Specialist, 2019.
  • Tableau Certified Associate, 2021.
  • Alteryx Core Certification, 2021.
  • Tableau Certified Data Analyst, 2022.
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